This is my first post on this blog, therefore I thought it deserved a strong foundation that I can start off with. The principal meaning of this blog is to talk about how incredible we are as humans, and how we are capable of so much more than we think. I've come to realise this over the past year and came to the idea that I would love to make this my lifelong career, so stay tuned, because we're about to go a little deeper into my life and why I want to do this so badly.
About a year ago, I fell into a place that no one wants to be in. Looking at it now, anyone could say that I was just being over-dramatic, and I worried too much about everything, however back then it was my reality. I was constantly telling myself the most negative things I could think of, for example that I wasn't enough for my family and that I was a disappointment to my friends and to myself. It got to the point where I couldn't see any positivity in my life, or any meaning at all. I don't want to dwell too much on the past, but it is important to tell my story on this blog, because it shows how far I've come and that if I can do it, anybody can.

I bought a book for my dad for his birthday, a book written by David Goggins, a world famous athlete known for his mental and physical strength. I was looking for a way out of the dark place I was suffering in, and after he had finished it, I thought 'well this might help'. I'm not much of a reader, but when I say that I couldn't put this book down, I mean it with all of my heart. This book CHANGED MY LIFE, after every chapter, there were challenges, or 'homework' s I liked to call them. There was a list of tasks to do that would help improve your discipline,
mental strength and your day to day life in general. For once in a long time, I started seeing change, I started to write down all the negative things I was purposefully putting in my life. For example, I was listening to a lot of sad music, which was one of the biggest negative impacts on my life. Once I cut that out, and replaced it with music with happy beats and positive meaning, my mental state started to improve dramatically. It might sound cheesy, but it worked for me and continues to work to this day. I started to routine my day, adding things I'd never tried before, like meditation. I began to understand that most of the things I was worrying about weren't important at all! I was overwhelming myself with problems that didn't even exist, and when I simplified everything, life became so much better.
I hope that as this blog grows, I can begin to help people on their journey on improving themselves, I want people to know that even though it seems impossible, you don't have to be in the situation you are in forever. There is good out there, there is a meaning to life out there, you will find happiness. Believe it.