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How To Be Okay Not Being Okay

I was watching a series the other day, and during one of the episodes, one of the characters said a phrase that completely changed my point of view on happiness. In this scene, they were all questioning themselves and each other as to whether they were going to feel true happiness again. One of them said 'we have to learn how to be okay not being okay' and it hit me like a rock. It's so true that people expect and hope that happiness will just be there all the time, and seem to get lost when it isn't there. It just made me realise that I'd been living my life thinking that I was doing something wrong if I wasn't happy.

It's really difficult to be happy all the time and keep improving your life at the same time. That's why not every human being on Earth is incredibly successful, because it's so hard. If achieving your goals was easy, everyone would be rich and successful and nobody would have any problems to worry about. This is what separates the inspired, and the uninspired. It creates a ladder for us to climb because if everyone was at the same level things would be very boring and competitiveness wouldn't exist either.

During the phase where a person is trying to improve themselves, they'll inevitably go through some very dark times, but if they can understand and accept that these situations are the ones that are making them stronger, then the self-improvement journey becomes a lot easier. Remember, a skilled sailor was never built on a calm sea.

We can't be strong all the time, because if we hold our emotions in for too long, it ends up with us having a breakdown. If we let our problems talk to us, and try to find a way through them instead of blocking them away, we might get somewhere and be able to help ourselves in the long run. One of the biggest mistakes we make is throwing out our opportunities when a bad feeling like this comes along. We might be trying a new sport or activity in life, but when the initial motivation disappears, we tend to give up and think that it's not right for us before we've properly started. If this is happening to you, or happens to you in the future, you might want to give it more time and see what happens before giving up.

So the next time you're feeling sad, don't overreact and make it ruin your day, because it's a completely normal thing for us to have these spells of different emotions. After all, we're all human. Just remember that a good feeling is coming your way, just keep working and pushing forward, maybe distracting yourself from these emotions could help, so you don't end up stressing about them too much.

So for today's homework, there's no written work involved really, I just want you guys to leave today's post understanding more about how to deal with spells of sadness. If in the future, you feel numb or sad or anything you don't like, I want you to remember that it will pass, and not to throw everything out of the window because you feel that it won't. Hope this helped guys, and I'll see you in the next post.

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