In this blog, I'm going to try to be as honest as I can, I want to show the real side of life, and not cover up the bad things and only show the good parts. Life is real, and if this is going to be a place where I talk about my experiences, then it should be as truthful as possible. The real meaning of this post will be explained towards the end, as I have to explain what happened to me today in order to the important part.

Today hasn't been a good day, nothing has seemed to go my way but not only for me, but for my family too. Long story short, I was meant to be flying back to Spain today, after spending 4 weeks in my hometown in England. I haven't mentioned this in a post, but 4 years ago I moved from England to Spain and I've been there ever since. I love it there, but every 6 months I normally go back to England to visit friends and family, however COVID-19 kinda ruined that and I ended up not visiting for 18 months, so it was quite a reunion when I returned.
So back to the story, due to COVID-19, my family and I needed to do a PCR test less than 48 hours before we borded our flight, or so we thought. The PCR test actually needed to be within 48 hours the landing time, not the time we set off. So the test ended up being 2 hours out of the time limit, leading to us not being able to get on the plane. We were told that if we hurried to a test centre on the other side of the airport, we could get the results in 20 minutes. Sounds simple right? Wrong, the website kept coming up with errors and it wasn't loading quick enough, so we were losing time. It upset me to see my mum and sister upset, and we ended up going back to my grandparents house so we could book more flights, and more PCR tests. The most annoying part of this is that the PCR tests we did 2 days before were quite expensive, so all that money basically went down the drain.
Most of you can probably relate when I say that it's upsetting to see your parents money go to waste, and when you see them upset over a situation that they can't change, which brings me to why I'm writing this post.
When things don't go our way, and we come across obstacles that stop us from doing the things we enjoy, we become angry and frustrated. But we have to accept that in order to grow, we have to face things like this. Even now, sitting writing this blog, I can't seem to think of how today's situation benefits me. I want to be home, in my house, and I wasn't allowed to do that, however I have two options. I can either complain and moan about it all day (which doesn't help me in any way) or keep my head up and keep moving forward. Life gave a challenge today, and even though it doesn't seem beneficial, it's given me the chance to see how I would react in a situation like this, and I'm not gonna let it put me down.
I hope you take something from this story, I know that what happened today is incomparable to other people's lives, but we all go through bad times, however the thing that separates us is how we react. Like I said before, complaining and sulking isn't going to make me feel any better, so instead I'm gonna try and think of a positive way to get through this.
So for today's homework, I want you to write down something that you've been through, and how you reacted to it, and how you're going to react to future bad times. If you'd like, you can share it in the comments, or even message me privately. I'd love to hear your stories! Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next post, I hope you liked this one, goodbye.